Put It in Again Wuestion Girl

"Would You Rather" questions can be a great icebreaker, conversation starter, and an excellent way to get to know people! In this article, you'll find many questions to ask your friends, ranging from funny to difficult. There's even a section for couple of questions so you can get to know your girlfriend or boyfriend better. These are guaranteed to create interesting conversations and lots of laughs!


Would you rather everyone could read your internet history or your thoughts?

Would you rather listen to someone brag about their life constantly or complain about it?

Would you rather be able to read people's minds or be invisible?

Would you rather have time stop every time you go to sleep so you don't waste any time or only need to sleep for 2 hours and feel fully rested?

Would you rather sleep in a hammock or a tent for the rest of your life?

Would you rather be able to pick your own dreams or make one trip to a day in the past?

Would you rather be able to ctrl + f to find anything or ctrl + x to cut anything out of your life?

Would you rather be a human able to breathe underwater or be a real-life mermaid?

Would you rather your farts smell like freshly baked apple pie or your breath is always minty fresh?

Would you rather be able to take photos by blinking or record your dreams?

Would you rather have a motivational coach with you all the time or have people compliment you everywhere you go?

Would you rather get money every time you farted or be able to stretch your limbs up to six metres?

Would you rather have a bouncy castle to cushion your fall every time or an umbrella that floats above your head to protect you from the rain?

Would you rather be able to respawn or have a real-life XP system like in video games?

Would you rather change sex every time you sneeze or only ever be able to drink water for the rest of your life?

Would you rather fart glitter or burp butterflies?

Would you rather be 5 inches tall or 25 feet tall?

Would you rather have teeth for nails or nails for teeth?

Would you rather never have to wash dishes again or make every edible fruit on earth seedless?

Would you rather always be on the edge of a sneeze that won't come or an itch you can't scratch?


Would you rather everyone in the world was smarter or nicer?

Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die?

If your child was switched at birth, and you found out three years later, would you rather have your biological child or the one you raised?

Would you rather go 7 years back in time or 700 years forward?

Would you rather be immortal or die painlessly after a full life?

Would you rather distribute the world's wealth equally or become one of the richest people on earth?

Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die?

Would you rather see the beginning or the end of the universe?

Would you rather be the last person on earth or the first person on Mars? You're stuck on the planet you choose!

Would you rather be able to find a home for every shelter animal or for every orphaned child?

Would you rather world peace or the ice caps stop melting?

Would you rather go to heaven or be reincarnated?

Would you rather be rich but stupid, or a poor genius?

Would you rather be able to remember everything or forget anything?

Would you rather be the luckiest or most skilled person on the planet?

Would you rather find a cure for every physical or mental illness?

Would you rather learn 100 things instantly or be able to learn everything 100x faster?

Would you rather be colourblind or unable to smell?

Would you rather know all the world's secrets or stay ignorant forever?

Next: 65 Difficult Would You Rather Questions


Would you rather be able to see into the future or automatically know when people are lying?

Would you rather be able to play any instrument or remember everything you've ever read?

Would you rather always have to listen to music in your head or never listen to music again?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Would you rather be able to feel pain or nothing at all?

Would you rather have a private concert with your favourite artist or have all your bills paid (including food) for five years?

Would you rather have no physical or mental pain?

Would you rather lose your sense of taste or touch?

Would you rather be executed by firing squad or electric chair?

Would you rather only speak English or speak every language other than English?

Would you rather be the judge who decided an execution or the person flipping the switch on the electric chair?

Would you rather live one life that lasts a thousand years or ten lives that last a hundred years each?

Would you rather save a baby or a puppy?

Would you rather lose the ability to read or speak?

Would you rather control the music wherever you go or all other environmental noise?

This or That?

Would you have a personal chef or personal trainer?

Would you rather have perfect skin or perfect teeth?

Would you rather own a space ship or be able to fly?

Would you rather have all the love you wanted or all the money you wanted?

Would you rather be able to sing or act?

Would you rather stay the gender you are or change your gender?

Would you rather go to heaven or hell?

Would you rather be able to travel forwards or backwards in time?

Would you rather be able to live underwater or in space?

Would you rather earn a small sum of money doing a job you love or a large sum of money doing a job you hate?

Would you rather be 20 for the rest of your life or 40 for the rest of your life?

Would you rather never eat pasta again or never eat cheese again?

Would you rather never get delayed while travelling or never have to watch adverts again?

Would you rather swap the digits in your age or height?

Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a blanket?

Would you rather live in a movie or a videogame?

Would you rather survive a nuclear apocalypse or die in it?

Would you rather die at 75 or 115?


Would you rather have no kids or five kids?

Would you rather be glued to your loved one for life or never see them again?

Would you rather have your heart broken or be the heartbreaker?

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook together?

Would you rather know how your spouse was going to die or when they were going to die?

Would you rather never wear underwear or never wear socks again?

Would you rather have a clingy partner or a distant partner?

Would you rather hold hands for five hours a day, non-stop or never hold hands again?

Would you rather pass away before or after your partner?

Would you rather be stuck in a bad relationship forever or have no partner for the rest of your life?

Would you rather have a long-distance relationship for three years or break up?

Would you rather tell the truth and hurt your partner or lie and not hurt your partner? (Of course, they might find out you lied later!)

Would you rather have a wedding with 400 guests or elope?

Would you rather love your partner more than they love you or vice versa?

Would you rather share your darkest secret or most embarrassing moment?

Next:Would You Rather Questions For Couples


Would you rather be mentally or physically faster?

Would you rather be able to clone anything or teleport?

Which of the four elements would you rather be able to control, earth, air, water or fire?

Would you rather be permanently invisible or have super strength forever?

Would you rather be able to make it rain or snow any time you wanted?

Would you rather be able to regenerate yourself (including regrowth of limbs) or heal everyone else?

Would you rather have super strength or be able to move objects with telekinesis?

Would you rather be able to rewind time or freeze it?

Would you rather control or read minds?

Would you rather be able to turn invisible any time you wanted or fly?


Would you rather be able to control all animals with your mind or turn into one for a day?

Would you rather be able to speak any language or talk to animals?

Would you rather live in a world where Pokémon were real or this one?

Would you rather be a dog or a dolphin for a day?

Would you rather become any animal you like or everyone laughs at your jokes?

Would you rather have a spare life or be a cat with nine lives?

Would you rather have fur as soft as a Samoyed or quills like a hedgehog?

Would you rather be able to read a dog's mind or a crow's mind?

Would you rather be in love with someone who was obsessed with animals or hated them?

Making Life Easier

Would you rather have a group of fairies that clean your home while you sleep or have a magical tap that contains all of your favourite drinks?

Would you rather become four times stronger than you already are or have an army of gnomes do whatever you say?

Would you rather never have to pay for rent/housing or food?

Would you rather be able to snap your fingers for a clean house or your socks come out of the laundry automatically sorted?

Would you rather never need to use the toilet again or never need to shower again?

Would you rather naturally know your way around everywhere or have an interactive map implant for your eyes?

Would you rather be able to fix things by touching them or walk through walls?

Would you rather be able to use ctrl + z to undo anything in life or always be able to see 30 seconds ahead?

Next: 82 Would You Rather Questions You Just Cannot Answer


Would you rather any food you crave appears in front of you or eat in any restaurant for free?

Would you rather never feel hungry or never feel satiety ever again?

Would you rather have a magical refrigerator that's always stocked or pee champagne?

Would you rather eat only crunchy or smooth peanut butter for the rest of your life?

Would you rather have a chocolate river in your garden or a free pizza delivered to you daily?

Would you rather only eat chocolate for a year or never be able to eat chocolate again?

Would you rather only be able to eat sweet or savoury food?

Would you rather be able to cook any cuisine well or cook two cuisines perfectly?

Would you rather be a vegetarian or hunt your food?

Would you rather be able to bake anything or cook anything without a recipe?

Would you rather eat pineapple on pizza or never eat pizza again?

Would you rather questions FOR girls

(Questions added by the Ponly team)

Would you rather be able to choose your bridesmaid dress or never have to be a bridesmaid again?

Would you rather have your gynaecologist use a speculum that is too large or a speculum that is cold?

Would you rather have a girl's night with Oprah Winfrey or Hillary Clinton?

Would you rather never have painful cramps again or never have to shave again?

Would you rather go through a whole day with a very visible panty line or with lipstick on your teeth?

Would you rather be asked if you are PMSing every single day or be told to stop being so sensitive every day?

Would you rather wear a push-up bra all day long or stiletto heels all day long?

Would you rather have an entire eyebrow accidentally waxed off or get a rash from a poor bikini wax job?

Would you rather get your period at the beach or on a date?

Would you rather live in a world without the movie "Bridesmaids" or without "Mean Girls"?

Would you rather Have an awful hair day or go through the whole day with your bra's underwire poking you?

Would you rather have tampons for fingers or have pubic hair for teeth.

Would you rather make out on your first date or wait for the right time?

Would you rather have physical intimacy or no true love?

Would you rather have large assets and a disfigured body or have smaller assets with a fantastic body?

Would you rather not put on makeup again or not look at yourself again?

Would you rather have your menstrual cycle on your first night or on your honeymoon?

Would you rather be the subject matter of gossip or never being talked about at all?

Would you rather questions FOR guys

(Questions added by the Ponly team)

Would you rather be poor and good looking or wealthy and ugly?

Would you rather be hairy or completely bald?

Would you rather Be 4'5″ or 7'7″?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Would you rather be short and well-built or tall but fat?

Would you rather take a guaranteed $100,000 or a 50/50 chance at $1,000,000?

Would you rather eat healthily or exercise regularly?

Would you rather be super strong or super fast?

Would you rather lose half your hair or lose half your hearing?

Would you rather work hard at the job you love or slack off at a boring job?

Would you rather look weak and be strong or look strong and be weak?

Would you rather have a third wrist or a third eye?

Would you rather be as wide as you are tall, or as tall as you are wide?

Would you rather age from the neck up or the neck down only?

Would you rather fall into a pool at a party or pour something hot on your crush?

Would you rather meet an alien or meet a zombie?

Would you rather cheat or get cheated on?

Would you rather live underground with rats or in an attic with cockroaches?

I hope you've enjoyed this list of would you rather questions, and you've got some great ideas for silly and deep conversations with your loved ones!

More Would You Rather :

82 Would You Rather Questions You Just Cannot Answer
37 Would You Rather Questions for Tech Lovers
Would You Rather… The Fashion Version
120+ Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend & Girlfriend
75 Funny Would You Rather Questions That Boggle The Brain!
60 Dirty Would You Rather Questions
Would You Rather Questions For Couples
Would You Rather Questions for Teens
50 Tough But Clean Would You Rather Questions
65 Hard Would You Rather Questions
Would You Rather Questions For Kids
55+ Flirty Would You Rather Questions
60+ Relationship Would You Rather Questions

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Victoria Anne Wise

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Source: https://ponly.com/would-you-rather-questions-for-guys-girls/

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