How to Write a Christmas Letter to Family and Friends

The following is a invitee post about how to write a great Christmas letter from regular correspondent, Angie.

Write a Really Great Christmas Letter

One of my very favourite things about the coming weeks is going to the mailbox every day to find treasure in the form of Christmas cards, photos & letters from far flung family & friends. Oh, how I love reading Christmas letters, looking at photos and catching up on news and happenings and funny family stories! And every bit someone who loves receiving such treasures, I also send out my own version tucked inside a Christmas menu, along with a photo of the kids. We withal have many family & friends who practise not have a presence on whatsoever type of social media, so a Christmas letter and photo might be the only news they hear from united states all year long.

And so how do yous write a great Christmas letter? It merely takes a lilliputian planning and fourth dimension and creativity. I take been writing Christmas letters for many years and here are a few tips:

Basically, at that place are iii types of formats that can be used:

ane} A traditional letter format.

2} A bullet type format.

3} A poem.

The first footstep is to make up one's mind on a format. I have used all iii types of formats over the years and they all work, but choose the format that you feel most comfy working in. Non everyone is a poet, and not everyone enjoys writing a traditional type of letter of the alphabet. Simply with a few helpful tips, a fun and informative letter can be written to transport out with Christmas mail.

Traditional Letter of the alphabet Format

When writing a traditional letter format, I always first with a brusque and happy greeting type of paragraph, such every bit, "Merry Christmas! I promise this letter finds you healthy and happy." I love to focus on the positive by keeping things cheerful and focusing on the reader.

After the greeting, I usually move on to brusque paragraphs about each fellow member of the family. I start with the youngest child and I talk most what grade the child is in, what his likes and favourite hobbies/activities are and any short, funny anecdotes. I effort to proceed it lite and fun, while giving a sense of how this child might have grown/changed over the past twelvemonth. After the children, I include very brief paragraphs about my husband and I to permit people know what trouble we might have gotten ourselves into!

The adjacent to last paragraph is ever about the whole family. What trips/vacations we may have enjoyed or projects we tackled as a family during the year. Again, I always try to expect at the humorous side of things and share things that are happy.

The final paragraph is where I wish everyone a wonderful New year and permit our family unit & friends know that our dwelling house is always open to visitors.

I try to keep our Christmas letter to 1 side of ane sheet of paper and never longer. Most often I type the letter in an easy to read font and black ink. I do non go crazy with different fonts and colours. Although it may expect fun, I know that this can brand a alphabetic character difficult to read…especially for older relatives.

Bullet Type Format

Another style of letter that can be used is a bullet type of format. Information technology'due south a keen mode to list fun things that take happened during the year without getting as well wordy and feeling too formal.

My favourite way to do this type of alphabetic character is to do a David Lettermen "Superlative x" manner where I list a height ten listing for each member of the family unit for the year. This style is a lot of fun because I list such things as favourite toys, books, foods, fun happenings or experiences.

This style can as well be used as a refreshing alter from a traditional type of letter. And can be super fun to create with every ane's assistance.

When using this format, I even so open with a short Christmas greeting type of paragraph and close with wishes for a Happy New year.

The Poem Format

Aaaah….the verse form. I have received some terrific poem types of letters over the years. Some people are and then very clever. They are insanely practiced at rhyming and managing to come up up with the most entertaining Christmas letter. The most mutual type of poem I see used is a version of "Twas the night before Christmas". Heed you lot, of the 3 types of formats, this ane can take the virtually time to craft. Or the least time…depending on how proficient your 'rapping' skills are. This would be a peachy activity to exercise with kids…kids love to rhyme. And speaking of getting in the mood for rhyming….Dr. Seuss anyone?

While our Christmas alphabetic character has been typed, proof read, printed, folded and tucked into a card, I always make sure that the Christmas menu itself is signed in our ain handwriting, and with many XOXOs because, well, tis the season to be sending dearest by postal service. And aye, it takes longer to personally sign each card, just I like adding a personal touch.

How many of you are planning on writing a Christmas letter this yr?

3 Ways to Write a Really Great Christmas Letter at I'm an Organizing Junkie blog

Angie loves creative projects, organizing & decorating, cooking, blistering, and all things domestic.  Angie lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband and ii great kids.

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